World Carfree Day 2024

Every year on the 22nd September, the world celebrates World Carfree Day. This is an opportunity to use sustainable forms of transit, such as the bus, train or bicycle.

Many communities around the UK transform their local street for World Carfree Day, turning them into vibrant places free from cars. Some examples of how communities are transforming their streets include:

  • Taking parking spaces and turning them into Parklets;

  • Cutting off whole streets from cars and hosting street parties;

  • Creating playgrounds for local children.

These examples highlight the flexibility of open space, and can transform how a street feels, whilst bringing the community together and helping to save the planet.

Many local groups, including councils, are hosting events for World Carfree Day. Get in touch with your local groups to find out more. If nothing is planned, why not plan something yourself.

Happy sustainable travelling.

Your TPC.


Bike Week 2024